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tr-100 auv
TR-1000 auv




TR Research & Development Company designs and manufactures different kind of AUV systems for different type of applications.

TR-100 AUV is a compact, moduler, portable and flexible
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle System. TR-100 AUV is able
to perform inspection and identification operations with acoustic
sensors. TR-100 AUV has an operational depth of 100 meters and has an option to be configured up to 300 meters.

TR-1000 AUV is presenting more endurance due to its larger
battery capacity and more stable navigation due to its state-ofart
hydrodynamic design and INS System. Major applications
are Pipeline Inspections, Site Survey, MCM, Search&Rescue and
Seabed Mapping. TR-1000 AUV has an operating depth up to
1000 meters.

TR AUV Systems have ease of operation and maintenance. The
system configuration can be tailored according to operational
purposes and customer requirements.



Defense Industry


•Search and Rescue
•Diver Observation
•Object Localization and Recovery
•Mine Countermeasure Operations
•Harbor Protection
•Surveillance …

Oil & Gas Industry

•Pipeline Inspection
•Object Localization and Recovery
•Debris Survey
•Clearance Survey
•Route Survey …


Scientific Studies

•Scientific Research, Sampling and Mapping
•Data Gathering
•Underwater Archaeology …



AUV is a kind of underwater submarine system that serves both civilian and defense applications. These systems include vast diversity of sensors. One of the TR AUV usage area is Oil & Gas industry for mapping of seabed in details. Another usage area can be stated as inspection of underwater pipelines. TR AUV can also be used for hydrographic and oceanographic

TR AUV specialized to investigate lake, sea and ocean beds and these missions are being performed by different kind of sensors which can be mounted on AUV System. For instance; Multibeam Echosouder, Side Scan Sonar, Sub-bottom Profiler, CTD, Dissolved Oxygen, pH, Redox, etc. sensors.

The main defense application is Underwater Mine Countermeasure Operations. TR AUV identifies underwater mines with Forward Looking Sonar, Side Scan Sonar and Multibeam Echosounder. TR AUV debriefing software can mark the position of mines with USBL or LBL positioning systems. Various kind of sensors can be integrated to the system.

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